Enable. Empower. Educate.
Cyber Security
Who needs Help
& the vulnerable
We consult to different Governement Departments on how to safeguard their files and data from loss. We educate officials on how confidential files can be hacked and used by the hackers. We train them how to keep their files safe and corrupt free.
We provide corporate training and workshops on cyber security awareness, cyber crimes, cyber hacking, identification and personal data theft. We work with corporates and guide them on how to protect their data and identity.
We provide training and roll-out cyber security awareness days and educational programs to schools and institutions across the continent. We cover topics such as cyber crime, cyber bullying and the importance of managing your online reputation.
About us
We are a non-profit organisation established to promote safe online behaviour and practices. We aim to encourage South Africans and the rest of the world to be more vigilant about practicing safe online habits and to view internet safety as a shared responsibility at home, in the workplace and in our communities.
ASCSA has a 3-tier approach to Cyber Security Awareness – Cyber Saftey Kids, Cyber Violence Against Women and Girls and Digital Parenting (Online Parenting).
Our single mission is to promote Cyber Safety Awareness programs on new age technological crimes (cybercrime), fraud and to safeguard our nation.

Our Values
African Society for Cyber Security Awareness aims to be inclusive, transparent and non-partisian in all that we do. We believe in a bottom-up, multi-stakeholder approach that is evidence based and empowering.
While acknowledging the many and varied risks and threats online, ASCSA also promotes the positive and enriching use of digital technology in all its forms.
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